The starting area will be within a circle cantered on 43°40,200′ N 010° 13,900′ E.

It will be placed the yellow mark to be left on port side with coordinates of 43° 35,450’ N e 10° 07,250’ E.

The yellow Windward mark (if positioned) after the start at about 2 N.M. from the starting line to be left to starboard (letter “Delta” with green flag on Race Committee boat “B”) or to port (letter “Delta” with red flag on the Race Committee boat “B”). The RC will expose the degrees on the Committee boat “B”.

Gorgona and Capraia islands must be leaved at starboard side. Elba island to be leaved port side. Pianosa island and Montecristo Island to leaved port side again.

Island Formiche
(Formica Grande) Gate consisting of a mark positioned approximately 42° 34.413′ N; 10° 53.078′ E to be left on port and a second mark located about 42° 34.370′ N; 10° 53.195′ E to be left to starboard. The two marks will have flashing light at night. If possible, a race Committee boat will be moored near the gate to detect and track the passage of yachts. Lack of presence of the Committee boat shall not be grounds for request of redress or protest.

Island of Sparviero (to be left on the starboard side) Punta Ala Finish line will be of a mark of coordinates 42° 48.593′ N; 10° 43.870′ E to be left on port and a mark B of coordinates 42° 48.544′ N ; 10° 43.975′ E to be left to starboard.

At night the mark B can be replaced by boat of the race committee with letter “Mike ” of the ICS and navigation lights on at nighttime. During the night, buoy B may be replaced by a RC vessel with a BLU flag and lights on board. At the Island Formiche (Formica Grande), the Race Committee will detect the time of passage of the boats and/or may shorten the racecourse in case of adverse weather conditions. The line/arrival at Formica Grande will be the gate between two marks. Crossing time will be used, in case of interruption of the course after the passage or failure to arrive at Punta Ala to calculate the final score of the race. Boats passing the Formica Grande gate shall contact Race Committee on channel 71 and identify themselves.

Boats must be very carefull with the seabed and the navigation regulations while passing the Island of Pianosa, Island Montecristo and the Formiche di Grosseto (Formica Grande) referring to the nautical charts.

